Monday, 2 December 2013

Nice to meet you!

Well, hello there. 
A couple months after creating our new Facebook page (like us here if you haven't already!), and after finishing a hectic midterm schedule, we are finally able to begin posting on the UFashion blog! Thus, we felt it appropriate for our first post to be an introduction to the team and to tell you what UFashion really is. 

This year, the UFashion executive team was refurbished and our co-president Nancy chose 6 talented, new members to take charge of the group and create an exciting community for the sartorially inclined at U of T. So, without further ado, I would like to introduce you to the 7 new (mostly) and, if I do say so myself, awesome, members of UFashion: Nancy, Inna, Zaid, Rachel, Tania, Sophie and Myself (Becca). If you would like to know a little more about us, feel free to check out the "Meet the Team" page here

With a new team, who is equal parts excited and dedicated, we are hoping to bring a fun, and enticing community to students who want to keep up with the fashion world. We will be holding events throughout the year, including the UFashion Mixer on December 4th (THIS Wednesday!), and our annual fashion show, as well as some other new and exciting soirée's, so be sure to keep your eyes open for them! Along with that, I will be posting street style, tips, the occasional DIY tutorial, fashion news and anything else I can come up with to keep you entertained between our events.

I personally think you will all be overjoyed with the new team, and what we are bringing forth to our fellow students. Just knowing my other team members for a short 3 (4?) months, I have come to realize they are some extraordinary fashionistas, and are as pumped as I am to bring fashion to U of T in a relatable, easy and fabulous way! 

PS. Feel free to follow us on Instagram, like us on Facebook, and follow us on Twitter